

Executive summary


Part 1: Where we are now


Chapter 1: The Inquiry

1.1 Purpose of this Inquiry

1.2 How this Inquiry differs from earlier inquiries

1.3 How we went about our work

1.4 Context 

Chapter 2: What we heard – the voices of the people

2.1 Introduction

2.2 A new approach: wellbeing and community

2.3 Māori health and wellbeing

2.4 Pacific health and wellbeing 

2.5 Social and economic determinants of health

2.6 Addictions 

2.7 Families and whānau

2.8 Children and young people

2.9 Support in the community

2.10 Access, wait times and quality 

2.11 Workforce 

2.12 Human rights and mental health

2.13 Leadership and oversight

Chapter 3: What we think

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Our conclusions

3.3 Mental health and wellbeing for all

3.4 Whakawātea te Ara – Māori health and wellbeing 

3.5 Vai Niu – Pacific health and wellbeing

3.6 A vision for mental health and addiction services

Part 2: What needs to happen


Chapter 4: Access and choice

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Expand access to mental health and addiction services

4.3 Provide a wider menu of service options

4.4 Transform services through a national co-design process, with support for implementation

4.5 Enablers to support expanded access and choice

Chapter 5: Primary health care

5.1 Introduction

5.2 What needs to happen

Chapter 6: Non-governmental organisation sector

6.1 Introduction

6.2 What needs to happen

Chapter 7: Wellbeing, promotion and prevention

7.1 Whole-of-government approach to wellbeing, prevention and social determinants 

7.2 Mental health promotion and prevention

Chapter 8: People at the centre

8.1 Put people accessing services at the centre

8.2 Partner with families and whānau

Chapter 9: Action on alcohol and other drugs

9.1 Introduction

9.2 What needs to happen 

Chapter 10: Suicide prevention

10.1 Introduction

10.2 What needs to happen

Chapter 11: Mental Health Act reform

11.1 Introduction 

11.2 What needs to happen

Chapter 12: A new Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission

12.1 Introduction

12.2 What needs to happen

A final note


Appendix A: Terms of Reference

Appendix B: Vote Health funding for mental health and addiction services

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