We have made available some commissioned reports and summaries of the more than 5,200 submissions received, and over 400 meetings attended, by the Inquiry panel.
Commissioned reports
The following reports were commissioned by the Inquiry for the purposes of panel deliberations under the Inquiries Act 2013. They are being publicly released in the interests of availability of information for the public and a wide range of mental health and addiction stakeholders. The commissioned materials give an insight into other evidence that assisted the Panel in its deliberations.
Summaries of submissions
These documents are intended to honour the voices of people heard through individual, group and organisation submissions and meetings, while protecting privacy and confidentiality and ensuring natural justice. The comprehensive summaries of submissions will be of particular interest to academics, researchers, funders, people with lived experience, whānau and the wider community. To protect people’s privacy, extracts and quotes from submissions have been de-identified.
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