Submissions closed on Tuesday 05 June 2018 at 5.00pm.

You do not need to provide any evidence of a mental health condition or addiction – we simply want to hear your views.

Before you make a submission, please make sure you have read these pages about:

How to have your say 



0800 644 678 - weekdays 9.30am to 5.30pm.
We will talk to you and write down what you want to tell the Inquiry.



  • Write a letter to PO Box 27396, Marion Square, Wellington 6141, or
  • Fill in a submission form at a Meet the Inquiry Panel forum and hand it to us or post it later.


Make a video as your submission and email the link to  

Please use one of these services: 

  1. Dropbox - here's how to upload videos with Dropbox(external link)
  2. WeTransfer - here's how to upload videos with We Transfer(external link)
  3. - here's how to use link) – this service is  designed for the Deaf community and does not have sound.

State in the email subject line: 'Mental Health and Addiction Inquiry Submission' .


The Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction will place strong privacy controls on your video submission once we receive it. However, sending us a video through any of these mechanisms will mean your information is also hosted by a third-party provider.  We cannot control and so cannot guarantee the safety or privacy of the video and its contents while it remains hosted on Videomail, Dropbox or WeTransfer.

Have your say - in your language

Download translated, easy to read or large text version of the five Inquiry questions and the information about how to have your say:

If your preferred language is not here call CAB Language Connect(external link) on 0800 78 88 77. This independent community organisation has a free language service and may be able to help you.


Email us at

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