A New Zealand Sign Language version of the consultation document (in three parts):
Submissions closed on 05 June 2018.
The Inquiry is happy to accept NZSL video submissions. These can be sent to us via:
Video submissions need to state in the subject line: 'Mental Health and Addiction Inquiry Submission' and be sent with the Videomail, Dropbox, or We Transfer link to our email address: mentalhealth@inquiry.govt.nz
The Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction will place strong privacy controls on your video submission once we receive it. However, sending us a video through any of these mechanisms will mean your information is also hosted by a third party provider and we therefore cannot control, and therefore cannot guarantee safety or privacy of the video and its contents while it remains hosted on Videomail, Dropbox or WeTransfer.
We recommend you check the Inquiry Terms of Reference so you can check in on the scope of the Inquiry’s work before you develop your submission.
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