He Ara Oranga: Report of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction is now available in pdf and html versions on the Inquiry’s website:


Other versions are also available on the Inquiry website:

  • Te Reo Māori translation of Executive Summary and Recommendations
  • Animated video of recommendations
  • New Zealand Sign Language interpretation (video) of Executive Summary and Recommendations
  • Large Text Executive Summary and Recommendations (PDF)
  • Audio Version Executive Summary and Recommendations (MP3 File)
  • Braille version available on request. 

Further versions will be made available in coming weeks, including a Samoan translation of the Executive Summary and Recommendations and an Easy Read version and a Te Reo Māori translation of the animation.

Other documents will be published on the Inquiry website over the next two months, including summary reports of the voices of the people, from submissions to the Inquiry and meetings with the Inquiry panel, and reports commissioned by the Inquiry. Separate summaries of Māori and Pacific people’s submissions will be released.

The work of the Inquiry panel is now complete. The statement of the Inquiry Chair, Ron Paterson, on handing over the report to the Minister of Health, on 28 November 2018, is available here:

https://mentalhealth.inquiry.govt.nz/whats-new/updates-to-stakeholders/28-november-2018/(external link)

The Chair and Inquiry panel members do not intend to make further public comment on the report.


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